
So yeah, I knew it had been a while.....anyway....

Prison ROCKED! I love going to prison to do ministry. Had a pretty unique experience this time. The weekend revolves around being a part of a table community and hearing talks about the Christian life then discussing the impact the talk had on each person's life. Well, the table community I was a part of this time was Hispanic. The interesting part is that I while I am bi-lingual, my second language is NOT espanol! It's southern! But God worked it all out and the two residents (our term for the inmates) that sat on either side of me were bi-lingual. It is incredible to see God work in the lives on murderers, rapist, former and current gang members and leaders. I'll write more specifics later, but in the mean time, check out the ministry, KAIROS.



1 Comment:

Unknown said...

Remember when this blog was good and post on regularly? yeah, me neither. :)