OK! I know I'll catch some heat at the Revolution Church offices, but who cares! I was listening to "Bad To the Bone by Thorogood" on Pandora, when this song came on by Stevie Ray Vaughn. And it reminded me of what an AMAZING wife I have.
Here are the lyrics to Pride and Joy by Stevie Ray Vaughn....
Well you've heard about love givin' sight to the blind
My baby's lovin' cause the sun to shine
She's my sweet little thang....she's my pride and joy
She's my sweet little baby....I'm her little lover boy
Yeah I love my baby....heart and soul
Love like ours wont never grow old
She's my sweet little thang....she's my pride and joy
She's my sweet little baby....I'm her little lover boy
Yeah I love my lady....shes long and lean
You mess with her....you'll see a man get mean
She's my sweet little thang....she's my pride and joy
She's my sweet little baby....I'm her little lover boy
Well I love my baby....like the finest wine
Stick with her until the end of time
She's my sweet little thang....she's my pride and joy
She's my sweet little baby....I'm her little lover boy
Yeah I love my baby....heart and soul
Love like ours wont never grow old
She's my sweet little thang....she's my pride and joy
She's my sweet little baby....I'm her little lover boy
Anyway, Lovely Linda you ROCK!
These pages contain the ruminations and life observations of a ragamuffin who is in need of and desires to be continually transforming as God would have it.

Have you ever stopped to consider most church signs in America?
One of the lenses that I try to look at EVERYTHING church related through is what would an unchurched person think?
One of the main areas that cause me to scratch my head is church signs. I mean think about it! Who are most church signs for? Most of the ones I see are simply for the people already going to the church who’s freakin' sign it is. I saw one the other day that said "WELCOME BACK so & so!" I don't remember the names, but apparently they had been gone and now they were back. Think about. Only people that were either currently going to or had previously been to that church and knew "so & so" would even give a rip about whether or not they were back.
I saw one the other night that read "REVIVAL" on the top line, then "4 SAVED" on the second line. Now as a guy raised in church, that means something to me, but what if I'd never set foot in a church. I might be wonderin' what got "revived" and who got "saved" and what did they get saved for or from?
Here's your challenge....
The next time you drive by a church sign, read it, then put yourself in the shoes of someone who has either never been to church or at least not been in a long time. Now, what do you think about what you just read? Did it change your life? Did it cause you to want to change your plans next Sunday morning and check that church out? Did it stir in you a desire to check out this whole God thing? Yeah, that's what I thought!

The Friday Flush is just totally random crap....and this time, it's personal!
- I am a fan of the neti pot! I don't do all the crap this lady is doing, but I try and neti at least every other day. If you’ve never tried it, you should!
- On a birthday about three years ago, I ate every meal at Chik-fil-a. Not the same location, but every meal was from Chik-fil-a.
- When I was 15 years old, I owned and road a Honda PA50 yellow moped. That's right! Don't judge me!
- There are very few foods on my personal black list, but liver is one of them. If you deep-fried liver in chocolate, I still wouldn’t eat it!
- Through a weird series of events, my wife and I were in attendance at game 6 of the Worlds Series in 1996 when the Braves won the World Series. And best of all, we didn’t pay for the tickets.
- One of my favorite movies of all time is Raising Arizona. I can start from any point and watch it to the end.
Distractions and Nehemiah
So this morning I was reading some from Nehemiah and ran across this passage that fires me up!
Nehemiah was doing something that could only be blamed on God. He lead a group of people in the rebuilding of the wall around the city of Jerusalem and completed it in only 52 DAYS! And all through the process, he had distractors and distractions. Check it out here. And every time he stood firm in what God was leading and equipping him to do.
My desire for the Student Ministries here at Revolution Church is that what happens can only be blamed on God! Just like Nehemiah had distractors and distractions, I know I will as well. The distractions can come in many shapes and sizes, and some of them will be disguised as "good stuff".
My prayer (and one you can pray for me) is that God will keep me focused on Him and the goal ahead....Reaching students who are far from God!
And that when those things (distractors and distractions) come, that I will echo what Nehemiah said...
"I'm Doing a Great Work; I Can't Come Down" Nehemiah 6.3
Don't get distracted!
Nehemiah 6 "I'm Doing a Great Work; I Can't Come Down"
1-2 When Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab, and the rest of our enemies heard that I had rebuilt the wall and that there were no more breaks in it—even though I hadn't yet installed the gates— Sanballat and Geshem sent this message: "Come and meet with us at Kephirim in the valley of Ono."
2-3 I knew they were scheming to hurt me so I sent messengers back with this: "I'm doing a great work; I can't come down. Why should the work come to a standstill just so I can come down to see you?"
It is definitely a reminder to me of the current ministry phase I am in right now. I am crazy excited about what God is doing and is going to do in the Student Ministry here at Revolution Church and I am stoked to be a part of it.But.....
Nehemiah was doing something that could only be blamed on God. He lead a group of people in the rebuilding of the wall around the city of Jerusalem and completed it in only 52 DAYS! And all through the process, he had distractors and distractions. Check it out here. And every time he stood firm in what God was leading and equipping him to do.
My desire for the Student Ministries here at Revolution Church is that what happens can only be blamed on God! Just like Nehemiah had distractors and distractions, I know I will as well. The distractions can come in many shapes and sizes, and some of them will be disguised as "good stuff".
My prayer (and one you can pray for me) is that God will keep me focused on Him and the goal ahead....Reaching students who are far from God!
And that when those things (distractors and distractions) come, that I will echo what Nehemiah said...
"I'm Doing a Great Work; I Can't Come Down" Nehemiah 6.3
Don't get distracted!srr
Week 1 Thoughts!
So, I officially started on staff at Revolution Church on Monday. Needless to say, if you know ANYTHING about Revolution Church, you know this was a week to remember. Here are some random, and in no order of importance, thoughts and observations from week #1 in the Revolution offices.....
- I saw a snake kill, but NOT eat, a rat. Must not have been hungry after all.
- I've been to the Holly Springs location three times and it is AMAZING the progress and transformation taking place over there.
- Lunch, and the decision of where to eat, is not something to be trifled with.
- Taylor is truly a freakin' SAINT!
- MAC Life is un-freakin-believable! I am blown away at the ease and integration of EVERYTHING.
- There appears to be a method to the madness.
- There is a lot of talent on this team, no matter how insane it may appear.
Changed back...
My new layout was driving me nuts, so I went back to my old layout and added some new stuff.
So, it is my first "official" day in the Revolution Church offices! Also, my first day on my new MAC! I've been PC forever, but, uh, yeah!, I can get used to this. Went with Gary over to the new facility this morning! God's definitely gonna rock it in Holly Springs!
Spent TH-SAT of last week speaking at the church I was the former Student Pastor for and it was an unbelievable experience. My speaking over the last 14 months or so had been rather limited so it definitely felt good to get at it again. I love sharing God's truths with students! It was a great jumping off point for this new journey of life that Linda and I are embarking on here at Revolution!
Spent TH-SAT of last week speaking at the church I was the former Student Pastor for and it was an unbelievable experience. My speaking over the last 14 months or so had been rather limited so it definitely felt good to get at it again. I love sharing God's truths with students! It was a great jumping off point for this new journey of life that Linda and I are embarking on here at Revolution!
It's About To Be On!
Even though I start officially at Revolution Church next Monday, I went to the ALL STAFF meeting this morning! Linda and I are getting freakin' fired up about what God can do through the Student Ministries at Revolution Church and we are stoked to be a part of it!
Got a little conviction the other day from this message! Scroll down to Trading Pop Beads For Pearls. Mark Beeson posed the question if God were to say "I am going to answer whatever you prayed for today," would your (my) prayers have been big enough? Or would I have thought "I should have prayed for so much more!"
What about you?
Got a little conviction the other day from this message! Scroll down to Trading Pop Beads For Pearls. Mark Beeson posed the question if God were to say "I am going to answer whatever you prayed for today," would your (my) prayers have been big enough? Or would I have thought "I should have prayed for so much more!"
What about you?
Friday Flush!
- Ran a 5k today in Woodstock. I hate running but am doing it to enter a sprint triathlon in the fall. Until they come up with a third activity to replace running, I have to run.
- We are doing fireworks on the Ranch tonight! I am part of the ignition team. Pray hard!
- Going through Nehemiah in my personal time. Can you say "Leader!!!"? That dude ROCKED!
- My father e-mailed me this! Gary? Next all staff meeting? Maybe in Dubai?
- Spent an hour on the phone with Austin Porter yesterday. Love partnering with others who are walking similar paths.
- Spent another hour on the phone with Davey Blackburn. Love linkin' and thinkin' with others. Sharp guy! Tons of great thoughts about the coming Greenville Newspring location Students!
- Ate sardines again today! It is definitely an acquired taste, but I love 'em. Linda was taking a nap and the smell woke her up!
- Hey Students! Don't forget the Uprising Pool Party, WIPEOUT!, has been rescheduled for July 13!!! Details are here!
- Saw the other day on a blog that I am a user of the ellipses. I love em... You know...
- Pigs-n-a-blanket ROCK!!!! Don't know who thought of them, but they ought to get a medal! Linda just brought me one straight out of the oven! DANG!!!
Gotta say somethin'!
Well, I was over at Gary's blog and realized he linked to my blog so I said I better put somethin' up for my millions of new visitors!!! What the heck!
I'm still in the "Tell me again why I started blogging?!?" phase of my blogging career, so you never can tell what you are going to get here! In the mean time, here are some totally random thoughts and junk for your consideration.....
This song by Waylon Jennings makes me think about the church in America! I always like to substitute "JESUS" for "HANK" when thinking about traditional-minded churches.
These are the bikes (mountain - & road - the one on the left) I currently ride. Totally old school. Love cycling! Those aren't my real bikes but whatever.
My wife is a ROCK STAR!
Two guys whose lives have influenced me are Rich Mullins and Keith Green. There are more, but these two stand out.
I was born here, but I don't surf.
I believe this is the PROMISED LAND!
I like sardines and mango's.
I'm currently diggin' this @ Starbuck's and am currently listening to this on MP3. It is like reading without all the work!
Those weird drinks in the gas station cooler (1, 2, 3, and 4)?!? I'm the guy who drinks them!
Anyway, that's enough random stuff about me! Seriously, I am super excited about joining the Revolution Team and can't wait to see what God has in store!
Do you have a blog? Leave me a comment, and I'll check you out.
I'm still in the "Tell me again why I started blogging?!?" phase of my blogging career, so you never can tell what you are going to get here! In the mean time, here are some totally random thoughts and junk for your consideration.....
This song by Waylon Jennings makes me think about the church in America! I always like to substitute "JESUS" for "HANK" when thinking about traditional-minded churches.
These are the bikes (mountain - & road - the one on the left) I currently ride. Totally old school. Love cycling! Those aren't my real bikes but whatever.
My wife is a ROCK STAR!
Two guys whose lives have influenced me are Rich Mullins and Keith Green. There are more, but these two stand out.
I was born here, but I don't surf.
I believe this is the PROMISED LAND!
I like sardines and mango's.
I'm currently diggin' this @ Starbuck's and am currently listening to this on MP3. It is like reading without all the work!
Those weird drinks in the gas station cooler (1, 2, 3, and 4)?!? I'm the guy who drinks them!
Anyway, that's enough random stuff about me! Seriously, I am super excited about joining the Revolution Team and can't wait to see what God has in store!
Do you have a blog? Leave me a comment, and I'll check you out.
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