Have you ever stopped to consider most church signs in America?
One of the lenses that I try to look at EVERYTHING church related through is what would an unchurched person think?
One of the main areas that cause me to scratch my head is church signs. I mean think about it! Who are most church signs for? Most of the ones I see are simply for the people already going to the church who’s freakin' sign it is. I saw one the other day that said "WELCOME BACK so & so!" I don't remember the names, but apparently they had been gone and now they were back. Think about. Only people that were either currently going to or had previously been to that church and knew "so & so" would even give a rip about whether or not they were back.
I saw one the other night that read "REVIVAL" on the top line, then "4 SAVED" on the second line. Now as a guy raised in church, that means something to me, but what if I'd never set foot in a church. I might be wonderin' what got "revived" and who got "saved" and what did they get saved for or from?
Here's your challenge....
The next time you drive by a church sign, read it, then put yourself in the shoes of someone who has either never been to church or at least not been in a long time. Now, what do you think about what you just read? Did it change your life? Did it cause you to want to change your plans next Sunday morning and check that church out? Did it stir in you a desire to check out this whole God thing? Yeah, that's what I thought!
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