
I was thinking the other day about thinking.

We don't think enough as a society... about anything. We don't think about our actions. About who it will effect. About how it will effect. We do think about ourselves though. A lot. We don't take time to think about others. About their lives. About their hurts. About their fears. About how God may be wanting to use us to help them with their lives, hurts, and fears. We don't think about the least, the last, and the lost near enough. Interesting how much Jesus thought about them. We usually only think about them when they are causing us some kind of uncomfortableness. You know, when they ask for a $20 for gas. We don't think about our lives and where they're headed and where they've been and where they could be.

We do spend a lot of time thinking about others and what they might think about us and our new car that we really can't afford and our new designer jeans and over-priced purse and that our kid got his name in the paper again...for the fourth 3 months. And what the neighbors think about our new landscaping and the birthday party we just had for our 4 year old. We look so well off, don't we?

Why is the scale of time tipped so drastically to the time spent thinking about others and what they think about us side and not to the time spent thinking about God side?

Strange what we think about....and don't think about.


semper reformanda ragamuffin



1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

i was out of the habit of checking your blog, i see i need to be back in it. thanks for this thinking reminder.