Another book review....sorta!


I ran across some pretty cool stuff in my current bathroom reader that I thought was worthy of sharing. The book is Called Everyone Wants To Go To Heaven, But... Wit, Faith, and a Light Lunch by C. McNair Wilson. Unfortunately, it is out of print, but I did find one on Ebay. Anyway, it is a collection of random thoughts on different topics that go by the letters of the alphabet (A is Adam, anger, ark, atheist, and authorized version) about the bible and religion that are hilarious, thought provoking, and really hard to explain. So I won't try to. However, I highly recommend it, especially to keep by the can for quick reads! Sorry McNair. By the way, the author, C. McNair Wilson was on staff with Disney in their Imagineering Department. His mind is crazy cool like that! Anyway, here are the two that jumped out at me the other day.

Hope is not when you close your eyes and blow out all the candles on your birthday cake and hope for a pony (when you're a child) or a Mustang, later.
Hope is not crossing your fingers while taking a test in school hoping you'll magically remember stuff you never studied.
Hope is when you come to the end of your abilities and you don't know where to turn. You feel tested beyond your limits. You feel like you are standing on the edge of a dark abyss, afraid to jump. If you put your trust in God, one of two things will happen when you jump: there will be someone there to catch you, or you will be taught how to fly!

The only assignments that God will handle personally. With all others, he asks us, "What are you going to do about that?"

Anyway, if you are looking for a GREAT easy read, get this book!

