

So, this is day two of my little experiment of blogging for 30 days in a row.

Today I have been pondering a specific line from an Aaron Shust song, My Savior My God and the lyrics that I've been thinking about are:

"You count it strange, so once did I"

Why have I been thinking 'bout this verse? Glad you asked!

Here's the deal. I was practically born into the church scene. My parents were Jesus followers, my grandparents were Jesus followers, and so on. Except for what I sometimes refer to as "the stupid years", I have always been in church. I accepted the offer of God's love and grace when I was twelve (got saved for you church people :) ). So for me the Christian world is no longer strange.


There is a whole world out there for whom JESUS IS STRANGE! And unfortunately, many Christians have contributed to Jesus' "strangeness", speaking a coded language and acting more like members of an exclusive club than the house of God. A goal of mine is to "de-strange" it for those who don't know about Jesus and his unconditional and relentless and tenacious love and his radical grace. And it ain't always easy. But how else will those who don't know ever know? God help me.

What about you? Are you making Jesus strange or strange-less?


Interestingly enough, this "contemporary" worship song ain't so contemporary. I actually like the original title better.

Just sayin'!


Keep it real!




Unknown said...

I definitely like the Aaron Shust version better. Unfortunately he does not sell enough albums to get a haircut.

I grew up much like you did and I work with people who have some 'head' knowledge of God but no 'heart' knowledge. This is a real tough crowd to reach because they think they "have it".

Anonymous said...

Odd, blogger posted me as orbacle.