
8:32 AM.....3.19.06.....11 years and a day.......anniversary weekend.....coffee is brewing......Delirious' Live and In the Can is playing through my MP3 player over a 10 year old boom box......sun's rising.

Linda and I came up to my parent's new (still being completed) mt. cabin on Thursday evening to celebrate our 11th anniversary. I've been coming here all my life. I've seen these mountains many times. Yet.....still......it is a powerful display of the splendor of God. Splendor. Now that's not a word used everyday, unless you're Chris Tomlin or David Crowder. Yet it is the perfect word for these mountains in western North Carolina on the southwest side of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The view from the front windows of the house is one of a mountain ridge in the distance. As the sun rises each morning, it is like God is rolling out the day, saying, "Here it is! Another day created for my people....the whole world....to see and experience MY GLORY! Join Me!"

Yesterday,Linda, me and our two dogs, Ginger and Tabor, hiked to The Pinnacle. It is a 3000' summit directly behind the cabin which is about 2175' in elevation. Once on The Pinnacle, you can see in every direction for quite a ways. My question is this....how can you see and experience a sunrise over a mountain or mountain ranges from 3000' (which is really not that high compared to most) and not be moved by Him? For me, it reminds me of my great smallness and His great HUGEness. Yet He loves still.

Check these out...
Psamls 36.6
Psamls 65.6
Psamls 90.2

Semper Reformanda Ragamuffin

NOTE: The name for this blog was chosen for it's simplicity yet depth.
Semper Reformanda is latin for "always being reformed". You can read more here about 1/2 way down the page.
Ragamuffin is from Brennan Manning's 1990 book The Ragamuffin Gospel, which defines ragamuffins as "the burdened, the wobbly and weak-kneed, the inconsistent, unsteady disciples... the smart people who know they are stupid... the honest disciples who admit they are scalawags".
For your enjoyment, you can read into it whatever you wish!
I, however, like it.