A COW?!?


So REVOLUTION CHURCH pretty much rocks! We're in the middle of a series on how we can better manage money so that when we realize God's vision for our lives, the chains of financial burden won't hold us back from goin' for it. Joseph Sangl is gonna be there on Sunday, November 4 in the morning bringin' it about money and breaking out of the debt chains that come with it. Anyway, the reason I am telling you this is that I heard somethin' in church I never thought I would!!!! Our pastor, Gary Lamb, was talking about radical ways to save money and things we can cut out of our life to be better stewards. That's when I heard it! He said that he and his wife had bought a FREAKIN' COW!!!! Yep, a cow!!!! Sorry Chik-Fil-A! Why, you ask!!! He went on to say that their beef came out to around $2 a pound! Not super good for ground beef, but amazing for steaks and roast and all that jazz!

Save money....buy he WHOLE DANG COW!!!! I LOVE IT!

