
Saw THIS today and thought I would share it with ya. It's about two dudes fishing for grouper and catching an 844 lb. 11' mako shark. Can you say "poopy pants"!!! Talk about not getting what you expected.

Through a series of God-moves, Linda and I have found ourselves at a church that has a lot of 11' mako's!!! By that I mean take all of your preconceived notions about church and how screwed up, judgmental, and dysfunctional many of them our and throw it out the window! Here's just one tiny many churches supply the dudes of the church with AXE Body Spray! I never use the stuff, but I freakin' love walking in the bathrooms each Sunday and seeing the AXE bottle in a basket by the sink.

Will AXE save souls? Probably not, but it is all about creating an environment that all of those people the church has been toastin' for so long with all their religiosity CRAP can come into JUST THE WAY THEY ARE and hear about the transforming power of Jesus in their lives.

So, I say all that to say this, if you've been toasted by the "church" in the past, check out Revolution Church in Canton. Can I guarantee it will be the church for you. Don't be stupid! But I can guarantee it won't be like any church you've been to before.

Dare ya!

semper reformanda ragamuffin


1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

axe? who knew?